Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My God The Horror......

So, this is what happens when you show up early to pond hockey....

They strap the pads on!!!!!


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wow, I didn't kill myself

I vividly remember when Max stepped onto the ice for the first time at his first lesson....and I think I am feeling what he must have felt that day. Alot of exhiliration and nervousness all rolled into one tight package.
I step onto the ice and get the feel of stainless steel on ice for the first time. It is quite a different sensation than ski's on snow. My center of gravity seems to moving constantly and I have alot of trouble finding my balance. One of the things i notice first is the GIANT ruts in the ice all around the boards...especially behind the goalie crease. (They were not giant, but to me they seemed like potholes) After a few shuffling laps I get the courage to try some striding and gliding....so far so good....my quads are killing me though...i heed the advice I have given Max and am keeping my knees bent, head up. I keep going to the benches to sit and take a breather...then get back out skating. The little girl out skating with her coach keeps looking like I am going to kill her everytime I skate by her. Keep in mind I am 6'4" 290lbs dressed in all black.

AT the end of the public skate as I am getting off the ice I am so geeked at my accomplishment that I can barely walk back to the lobby to change. I notice that I am completly drenched i sweat and my legs are burning from the workout. IT FEELS GREAT!

I can't wait to go again!

Keep your stick on the ice.