Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Max Rocks!

I can't believe this little 6 year old boy started skating a year ago April 28th.

I still remember his first tentative steps on the ice at his learn to skate class... and now just 11 months later he has progressed through the ranks of his skating classes ... pond hockey games ... eventually to his first real team. He played on a mite house league team this winter and did a fantastic job.

He also was able to skate with his Scooter Pond Hockey class at the United Center before a Chicago Blackhawks game (with a little help from his dad who works there)

Keep your stick on the ice

30 minutes?

We have an additional 30 minutes of ice time now due to all the leagues being done, so Coach Mike thought it would be good for us to do short shift drills at the end of class.

So, for 30 minutes we did 60 seconds on and 120 seconds off (3 lines).
It doesn't sound like much, but skating at full speed for 60 seconds while trying to actually play hockey was freakin difficult!
And...this was after a full hour of drills!

I almost have the backwards thing working , but I just can't seem to get my upper and lower body to talk to each other.
I will keep trying.

We have a great group of guys and girls and all of us who are the newbies to the sport are very encouraging of one another... celebrating the seemingly insignificant triumphs.

I am the sorest I have ever been after a practice.

Oh, and by the way ... 3 of the ladies recruited some guy the met at a local pub called the Kerry Piper ... he was in town for some bicycle race .. cycle-cross I think ... He actually did very well considering he had never skated before and was wearing equipment borrowed from one of the ladies that got hurt last week.

Keep your stick on the ice.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 3 of Hacker Hockey

I know it's been a while, but I finally found an adult hockey/skating skills class.

The guy who runs it was my sons learn to skate coach ... And he is fantastic. A real nutball who gets us motivated quickly.

The first two sessions were very tough for me as I still can't skate backwards and do a full hockey stop. And not to mention, I am completely out of shape.

So my goal going in to the class were to get through the entire hour without getting off the ice and taking a break to rest the legs and feet which were killing me by 30 minutes in!

The first class was an eye opener for me, in so far as the skills i thought I had were nowhere near what they actually were!
I need to work on my crossovers on both sides ... keeping my head up ... and cardio endurance!

The second class was a little better as far as my conditioning, but durring our scrimmage is where I noticed something very interesting.
I was so focused on the play, that I kind of forgot to worry about my skating and just did it! I actually had a break away and scored a goal ... albeit a sloppy one.

Tonight is my 3rd class and my focus tonight will be to really try and get the mechanics of the backwards stride.

I will think twice now when I think about telling Max to skate harder!

Keep your stick on the ice

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